Healing from the Heart of Nature

- ‘The Healthy People’ Life-

“Nature's Healing, Now at Your Fingertips”

Gaiso Fit

Antacid & Antiflatulant An Unique Composition of Quick & Lasting Result


 Digestive Enzyme with Stomachic and Carminative Action

Leady Tone

Antidiarrhoeal & Anti Dysenteric, Acute & Chronic Diarrhoea, Dysentery

Meanso Fit Syrup

Improves the quantity & Quality of Meanses, regalis irregular Menstrual Cycle.

Meansofit is a rational combination of time tested herbal ingredients useful in regulating irregular menstrual cycles.

A drug of choice in menopausal disorder and pre-menstrual tension.

100% organic

locally grown

Nutrient Dense

pressed daily

Leady Tone organic Syrup

A Powerful & Effective Tonic For Womens.

Useful in irregular menstrual cycles and uterine & Ovarian Dysfunction. Useful in sterility. Removes all Comman troubles of womens

Leadytone is a rational combination of herbal ingredients useful in correcting and regulating various uterine function. Ashoka and lodhra in leadytone are age old remedies for regulating ovarian and endometrial function.

"tRANsform your health"

I appreciated that the medicine was made from natural ingredients and didn't have any harsh side effects.
Implementing a program to reward repeat customers and encourage continued use of Ayurvedic medicine.
Providing more educational resources on Ayurvedic medicine and its benefits would be helpful for new patients.
Ruhii S.
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