- ‘The Healthy People’ Life-
“Nature's Healing, Now at Your Fingertips”

Gaiso Fit
Antacid & Antiflatulant An Unique Composition of Quick & Lasting Result

Leady Tone
Antidiarrhoeal & Anti Dysenteric, Acute & Chronic Diarrhoea, Dysentery

Meanso Fit Syrup
Improves the quantity & Quality of Meanses, regalis irregular Menstrual Cycle.
Meansofit is a rational combination of time tested herbal ingredients useful in regulating irregular menstrual cycles.
A drug of choice in menopausal disorder and pre-menstrual tension.
100% organic
locally grown
Nutrient Dense
pressed daily
Leady Tone organic Syrup
A Powerful & Effective Tonic For Womens.
Useful in irregular menstrual cycles and uterine & Ovarian Dysfunction. Useful in sterility. Removes all Comman troubles of womens
Leadytone is a rational combination of herbal ingredients useful in correcting and regulating various uterine function. Ashoka and lodhra in leadytone are age old remedies for regulating ovarian and endometrial function.